25 Jul

I'm very excited about this week because I'll soon be able to make some major edits on my Isle of the Forsaken Gods book. I've gotten a whole lot of comments on how I can improve it and on Wednesday I'll be able to go through it and make the needed changes. It's been fun looking at some of the comments that have been made and seeing how a reader would react to different parts of the book. Currently, I'm making notes and things that will make the editing easier. 

I'm hoping to be able to start sending out this manuscript to literary agents in the next couple of weeks. I want to make sure I can edit as much as I can before then so I won't set the date in stone yet. In preparation for querying, and while waiting on last beta reader comments, I'm going to start drafting a synopsis, query letter, and other things I might be asked for while submitting to different agents. This is an exciting and kind of stressful part but I'm looking forward to seeing how things go. 

What do you do in the last stages of editing? What's the best way to go through beta reader comments? 

Thank you for reading my blog. Keep dreaming and day dreaming of all the wonderful worlds in your head. 

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